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AppleSoft II BASIC


  Returns absolute value. Always a non negative number.

  100 PRINT ABS(42.3)

  100 VV=ABS(-6.124)

ASC (char) Returns numeric value of a single character.
CALL value Example: 100 CALL -936 Example will clear the screen
CHR$ (integer) CHR$ can be used to convert a number between 0 and 255 into an ASCII character Special: CHR$(7) Make a "beep" CHR$(8) Backspace (move cursor left, wrap up) CHR$(10) Line feed (move cursor down)
CLEAR Clear all variables
COLOR = integer Sets the color for plotting in low resolution graphics. 0 = black 1 = magenta 2 = dark blue 3 = purple 4 = dark green 5 = grey 6 = medium blue 7 = light blue 8 = brown 9 = oragne 10 = grey 11 = pink 12 = green 13 = yellow 14 = aqua 15 = white COLOR = set to zero by the GR command.
DATA The DATA command is used to store constant information in the program code, and is used with the BASIC command READ. Example: 100 DATA 156,243,311,22,99,500,111,132,101,909,33,35 110 FOR X=0 TO 11 120 READ A 130 PRINT A 140 NEXT
DIM The DIM command allocates space in array memory for a new array. Example: 100 DIM T(8,1,5) Example creates a three-dimensional array.
DRAW aexpr [ AT aexpr, aexpr ] DRAW draws a hi-res shape table shape in color
END Stops the execution of code. Example: 100 IF X>200 END
FLASH Set text output mode to flashing
FOR .... NEXT FOR creates a loop with counter variable - ends with NEXT [var [, var ...] ] NEXT Ends the loop(s)
GET variable Read single key stroke to variable.
GOSUB line-number The program branches to the indicated line-number. When a RETURN statement is executed, the program branches to the statement immediately following the most recently executed GOSUB.
GOTO line-number Jump [branch] to line number
GR The GR command turns on Low-resolution color graphics mode. (40x40) GR sets COLOR to zero (black). The GR command will black out the top twenty lines of text on your screen and leave only four lines of text at the bottom.
HCOLOR = integer Set hi-res color (0...7) 0 = black 1 = green 2 = violet 3 = white 4 = black 2 5 = orange 6 = blue 7 = white 2
HGR Starts Hi-Res graphics mode.
HOME Clears the screen of text and places the cursor for text in the upper top left of the screen.
INVERSE Set text output mode to inverse [black-on-white]
PRINT Output text. PRINT expr [ [;,] expr ... ] [;] ; concatenates, , advances to next tab stop. A trailing ; suppresses line break. expr can include SPC(aexpr) to advance by multiple spaces, or TAB(aexpr) to advance to column.
READ var [, var ...] Read the next DATA value
REM Program documentation. Documentation can be entered after the statement without effecting the program. Example: 100 REM THIS LINE DOES NOTHING
RETURN See the GOSUB command. When a RETURN statement is executed, the program branches to the statement immediately following the most recently executed GOSUB.
ROT = number Number can be 0 to 255.
TEXT Set display to text mode
XDRAW aexpr [ AT aexpr, aexpr ] Draw hi-res shape table shape with XOR