- How to Run scripts
- Reserved words
- Comments

- goto and label
- if and then
- repeat and until
- var
- while .. do

- Math operation characters
- Special system variables

- First program example

Pascal Functions:
-  append()                 : File
-  assign()                 : File
-  chdir()                  : File
-  closefile()              : File
-  clrscr                   : Display
-  concat()                 : String
-  delay()                  : System
-  delete() : String
-  exec()   : System
-  findow()
-  findrp()
-  GetCurrentDir
-  halt() || halt
-  insert()
-  query_remote_web_client()
-  read()
-  readkey                 ***
-  readln()
-  read_content_length()
-  read_date()
-  read_http_user_agent()
-  read_query_string()
-  read_remote_addr()
-  read_version()
-  rewrite()
-  rmdir()
-  round()
-  sqrt()
-  system()
-  textback()
-  textcolor()
-  write()
-  writecw()
-  writeln()
-  writewh()
-  wround()
-  wsqrt()
-  x_close()
-  x_imgbox()
-  x_msgbox()
-  x_open()
-  x_radiobox()