Games & ROMs - all LEGALLY acquired by various means: included from purchased vendor console, home brew, ripped from purchased and owned media.
I will not distribute ROMs, but gladly show how to aquire them from media or legal resourses.
Atari FB 8 | Sony PS1 Classic | SNES Classic | Sega Gen FB 40g | Sega Gen FB 80g | Sega Gen FB 81g | NES ROM | Sega Gen | Z26 | Odyssey2 | DosBox | Xbox |

XBox360 | Sony PS2 | EMU 7800 |
Game                                             ,version  ,console                   , Note                 
Atlantis 2                                       ,2600     ,z26 Virtual Machine       , 1                         
Defender                                         ,2600     ,z26 Virtual Machine       , 2   ***** arcade port     
Defender II (Stargate)                           ,2600     ,z26 Virtual Machine       , 3   ***** arcade port     
Galaxian                                         ,2600     ,z26 Virtual Machin        , 4   Arcade port           
Joust                                            ,2600     ,z26 Virtual Machine       , 5   ***** arcade port     
Jr Pacman                                        ,2600     ,z26 Virtual Machine       , 6   ***** arcade port     
Pacman 4k                                        ,2600     ,z26 Virtual Machine       , 7   Home Brew Arcade port 
Pengo                                            ,2600     ,z26 Virtual Machine       , 8   ***** arcade port     
Pole Position                                    ,2600     ,z26 Virtual Machine       , 9   ***** arcade port     
Rainbow Invaders                                 ,2600     ,z26 Virtual Machine       , 10   Home Brew arcade port
Sea Wolf                                         ,2600     ,z26 Virtual Machine       , 11   Home Brew arcade port
Space Invaders                                   ,2600     ,z26 Virtual Machine       , 12   ***** arcade port