Games & ROMs - all LEGALLY acquired by various means: included from purchased vendor console, home brew, ripped from purchased and owned media.
I will not distribute ROMs, but gladly show how to aquire them from media or legal resourses.
Atari FB 8 | Sony PS1 Classic | SNES Classic | Sega Gen FB 40g | Sega Gen FB 80g | Sega Gen FB 81g | NES ROM | Sega Gen | Z26 | Odyssey2 | DosBox | Xbox |

XBox360 | Sony PS2 | EMU 7800 |
Game                                             ,version  ,console                   , Note                 
The Simpsons Game                                ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
HighSchool Musical 3 Dance                       ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Batman Arkham City                               ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Viva Pinata                                      ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Kinectimals                                      ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Mass Effect                                      ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Ketict Adventures                                ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Disneylad Adventures                             ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Lord of the Rings - War in the North             ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Fallout New Vegas Unlimate Edition               ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Epic Mickey2 - The Power of two                  ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Just Dance 3                                     ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
How to Train Your Dragon                         ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Lego Star Wars II - The original Trilogy         ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Injustice - Ultimate Edition                     ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Skyrim                                           ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Minecraft                                        ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Golden Axe Beast Rider                           ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Star Wars - The Force Unleased                   ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Star Wars - Kenect                               ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Dance Central                                    ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
The Black Eyed Peas Experiance                   ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Minecraft - Story Mode                           ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
Assassin's Creed IV - Black Flag                 ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   ,         
SEGA Gen Alex Kidd - Enchanted Caslte            ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Alein Storm                             ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Altered Beast                           ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Arc Altered Beast                           ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Beyond Oasis                            ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Bonanza Bros.                           ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Columns                                 ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Comix Zone                              ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Mas Congo Bongo                             ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Decap Attack starring Chuck D. Head     ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine        ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Dynamite Headdy                         ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Ecco the Dolphin                        ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Ecco: The Tides of Time                 ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen E-SWAT                                  ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Mas Fantasy Zone                            ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Fatal Labyrinth                         ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Flicky                                  ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Gain Ground                             ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Golden Axe                              ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Golden Axe II                           ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Golden Axe III                          ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Arc Golden Axe Warrior (arcade)             ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Kid Chameleon                           ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Mas Phantasy Star                           ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Phantasy Star II                        ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Phantasy Star III : Generations of Doom ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Phantasy Star IV: End of the Millennium ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Ristar                                  ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Shining Force                           ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Shining Force 2                         ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Shining in the Darkness                 ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Sonic 3                                 ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Sonic 3D Blast                          ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Sonic & Knuckles                        ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Sonic Spinball                          ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Sonic the Hedgehog                      ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Sonic the Hedgehog 2                    ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Streets of Rage                         ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Streets of Rage 2                       ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Streets of Rage 3                       ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Super Thunder Blade                     ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Vectorman                               ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection
SEGA Gen Vectorman 2                             ,xbox360  ,xbox360                   , Ulimate Genesis Collection