Games & ROMs - all LEGALLY acquired by various means: included from purchased vendor console, home brew, ripped from purchased and owned media.
I will not distribute ROMs, but gladly show how to aquire them from media or legal resourses.
Atari FB 8 | Sony PS1 Classic | SNES Classic | Sega Gen FB 40g | Sega Gen FB 80g | Sega Gen FB 81g | NES ROM | Sega Gen | Z26 | Odyssey2 | DosBox | Xbox |

XBox360 | Sony PS2 | EMU 7800 |
Game                                             ,version  ,console                   , Note                 
Battle Arena Toshinden                           ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Cool Boarders 2                                  ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Destruction Derby                                ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Final Fantasy VII                                ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Grand Theft Auto                                 ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Intelligent Qube                                 ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Jumping Flash                                    ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Metal Gear Solid                                 ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Mr Driller                                       ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic, top pick                 
Oddworld: Abe`s Oddysee                          ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic, top pick                 
Rayman                                           ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic, top pick                 
Resident Evil Director`s Cut                     ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Revelations: Persona                             ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Ridge Racer Type 4                               ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic, top pick                 
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo                    ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Syphon Filter                                    ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Tekken 3                                         ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic, top pick                 
Tom Clancy`s Rainbow Six                         ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Twisted Metal                                    ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Wild Arms                                        ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
--Additional purchased material-- 
Asteroids                                        ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic, Disk SLUS-01427 (c)2001  
Asteroids Deluxe                                 ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Battlezone                                       ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Black Widow                                      ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Centipede                                        ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Gravitar                                         ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Missile Command                                  ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Pong                                             ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Space Duel                                       ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Super Breakout                                   ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Tempest                                          ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Warlords                                         ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Star Wars: Episode One                           ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic, Disk SLUS-00884                     
Rayman 2 The Great Escape                        ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Spyro The Dragon                                 ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic,                          
Tripple Play 99                                  ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic, Disk SLUS-00618 (c)1998  
Die Hard Trilogy                                 ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic, Disk SLUS-00119 (c)1996  
Tomb Raider II                                   ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic, Disk SLUS-00437 (c)1997  
Crash Bandicoot Warped                           ,sonyps1  ,Sony Playstation 1 Classic, Disk SCUS 94244 (c)1998