%bs EzMF Tools %be

EzMF Frequently Asked Questions
What is EzMF?
EzMF is a powerful Markup Format used for creation and publishing of papers,
documentation, books, and other word processing needs. It allows easy markup
that can be done through a word processor or simply via a text editor like
notepad or vim.
What are EzMF document defaults?
12pt Times New Roman
Black text
Single spaced lines
Left Justified
Can EzMF files be exported to PDFs?
Yes, the EzMF2f application can do this. In fact, EzMF was designed with
consideration of how Postscript and PDF display.
How do I bold text with EzMF?
with the %bs tag
%bsThis is bold%be and this is not!
How does drawing in EzMF differ from PDF or PS?
Example EzMF simple vertical red line
$sl 1 175 720 175 550
Example PDF simple vertical red line
1 0 0 rg 175 720 m 175 550 l f
Example PS simple vertical red line
1 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath 175 720 moveto 175 550 lineto closepath stroke
What platforms are supported with EzMF Tools?
Currently only Microsoft Windows and Linux are supported. Possibly in the
future, other platforms will become supported.