Mr. Mike Gibson's Cisco Info
Useful commands and SQL.
Useful CISCO command line commands
Favorite commands that can't be done in Web GUI

show commands:

Show CUBE commands

run sql commands:

Show CUPS commands for UC information

Show CUCM commands for phone ownership changes
Show CUCM commands for jabber information
Show CUCM commands for BLF phone information
Show CUCM commands for phone information
Show CDR commands for phone information

Show TABLE information
CUCM Server
View valued fields for 'blfspeeddial' table:             

View valued fields for 'device' table:                    

View valued fields for 'numplan' table:                          

Sig. fields for 'devicenumplanmap' table: 

Sig. fields for 'callforwarddynamic' table:        

Sig. fields for 'enduser' table:                               
Field Name                    Description                        Example                              
================              ================================   ===============                      
pkid                          primary key                        8328a7ca-f78c-e6c7-d2ea-9rb54001cbea 
firstname                     AD supplied first name             John                                 
middlename                    AD supplied middle name            Lee                                  
lastname                      AD supplied last name              Doe                                  
userid                        AD supplied ULID                   jldoe                                
manager                       AD supplied ULID of manager        mdthame                              
department                    AD supplied department             3500 Infrastructure Op & Netwo       
telephonenumber               AD supplied DN                     82345                                
mailid                        AD supplied mail ID                            
status                        is this active in AD?              1                                    
tkuserprofile                 is this a user profile             1                                    
fkcallingsearchspace_restrict key to calling searchspace         e20dce73-26fc-68b3-6333-31610ef3cc7d 
allowcticontrolflag           allows control from CTI apps       t                                    
enablemobilevoice             Enable Mobile Voice Access         t                                    
maxdeskpickupwaittime         max milliseconds pick up transfer  1000                                 
enablemobility                turn on mobility                   t                                    
remotedestinationlimit        max# phones to transfer calls      4                                    
enableemcc                    Extension Mobility Cross Cluster   t                                    

Sig. fields for 'devicehlogdynamic' table: 

Sig. fields for 'linegroupnumplanmap' table:       

Sig. fields for 'linegroup' table:                 

Sig. fields for 'tbl_billing_data' table in CAR database: 

CUP Server

Sig. fields for 'enduser' table: