Mr. Mike Gibson's Cisco Info
Useful commands and SQL.
Useful CISCO command line commands
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List only Desk Phones with 82345 in description:
run sql select name,description,isactive from device where name like 'SEP%' and description like '82345%' order by description

Output will look something like this:
name            description     isactive
=============== =============== ========
SEPD0BEA963C5D6 82345 - Telecom t
SEP00235A17EF3C 82345 - Telecom t
List all Devices with a particular DN or ADN:
run sql select,d.description,n.dnorpattern from device d inner join devicenumplanmap dmap on dmap.fkdevice=d.pkid inner join numplan n on dmap.fknumplan=n.pkid where n.dnorpattern='82345' order by

Output will look something like this:
name            description          dnorpattern
=============== ==================== ===========
CSFmikebro      81234 - Telecom      81234
RDP_mikebro     81234 - Telecom      81234
SEP00235E17EF3C 81234 - Telecom      81234
SEP00270D3EC5EF 82392 - Telecom      81234
SEP44E4D9453B79 86014 - Telecom      81234
TABmikebro      81234 - Telecom      81234

List all DNs that have divert on:
run sql select dnorpattern,cfadestination,cfavoicemailenabled from callforwarddynamic c, numplan n where c.fknumplan = n.pkid and (cfadestination != '' or cfavoicemailenabled ='t')

Output will look something like this:
dnorpattern cfadestination cfavoicemailenabled
=========== ============== ===================
81875       94542107       f
83191       NULL           t
84304       88142          f
85371                      t
87180       87102          f

List all DNs that are diverted off campus:
run sql select dnorpattern,description,cfadestination from callforwarddynamic c, numplan n where c.fknumplan = n.pkid and cfadestination like '9%'

Output will look something like this:
dnorpattern description         cfadestination
=========== =================== ==============
81234       81234 - Telecom     94544107
82345       82345 - Telecom     94527299
83456       83456 - Telecom     94544107
85678       85678 - Telecom     94544261
List all devices with external mask values:
run sql select,d.description, dmap.e164mask from device d, devicenumplanmap dmap where dmap.fkdevice=d.pkid and dmap.e164mask != ''

Output will look something like this:
name             description      e164mask
===============  ===============  ========
SEP64D814A4B410  85967 - Telecom  82611
SEP34BDC82CEFD0  85970 - Telecom  82611
SEP34BDC82CE14D  87425 - Telecom  82611

List all directory numbers with internal mask values:
run sql select dnorpattern, description, callingpartytransformationmask from numplan where dnorpattern like "8%" and callingpartytransformationmask like "8%"

List all phones logged into huntgroup that belongs to a huntgroup:
run sql select LineGroup,n.dnorpattern,dhd.hlog from linegroup lg inner join linegroupnumplanmap lgmap on lgmap.fklinegroup=lg.pkid inner join numplan n on lgmap.fknumplan=n.pkid inner join devicenumplanmap dmap on dmap.fknumplan = n.pkid inner join device d on dmap.fkdevice=d.pkid inner join devicehlogdynamic dhd on dhd.fkdevice=d.pkid where dhd.hlog='t' order by

Output will look something like this:
linegroup         dnorpattern hlog
================= =========== ====
Telecom LG-85678  82228       t
Telecom LG-85678  88372       t
Telecom LG-85678  88542       t
List all phones/devices beloning to a user:
select, enduser.userid from device, enduser, enduserdevicemap where device.pkid=enduserdevicemap.fkdevice and enduser.pkid=enduserdevicemap.fkenduser and enduser.userid = 'tjgibso'

Output will look something like this:
  name            userid
=============== =======
SEP00777E17EF3C tjgibso
SEP00777E17EF3C tjgibso
SEP447779453B79 tjgibso
CSFtjgibso      tjgibso
IPCtjgibso      tjgibso
IPC_TSCForward  tjgibso

find phones with or without WebAccess turned on:
run sql SELECT,,"Web Enabled" FROM Device,TypeModel,DeviceXml4k WHERE DeviceXml4k.fkDevice=Device.pkid AND Device.tkModel=TypeModel.enum AND xml LIKE "%0%"

run sql SELECT,,"Web Disabled" FROM Device,TypeModel,DeviceXml4k WHERE DeviceXml4k.fkDevice=Device.pkid AND Device.tkModel=TypeModel.enum AND xml LIKE "%1%"
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