Atari BASIC A, B, and C Notes: Atari Basic does not have a CLS or CALL CLEAR command. Instead use PRINT CHR$(125) Atari BASIC does not have a VERSION command. Instead use 100 PRINT PEEK(43234)
ABS(numeric-experssion) Returns absolute value. Always a non negative number. Examples: 100 PRINT ABS(42.3) 100 VV=ABS(-6.124)
ASC (char) Returns numeric value of a single character.
ATN(numeric-expression) Returns trigonometric Arctangent - the angle (in radians) whose tangent is x. Examples: 100 PRINT ATN(5) 100 PRINT ATN(.4)
COLOR numeric-value Examples: 100 COLOR 1 HUE Number Color 0 Gray 1 Gold 2 Orange 3 Red-Orange 4 Pink 5 Violet 6 Purple Blue 7 Blue 8 Light Blue 9 Blue-Green 10 Turquoise 11 Green-Blue 12 Green 13 Yellow-Green 14 Orange-Green 15 Light Orange
DIM Reserves space in memory for arrays, matrices, and strings, all of which must be dimensioned prior to use. __________ DRAWTO x_cord, y_cord Draws a straight line between a PLOTed point and a specified point. __________ END Stop program execution, closes files and turns off sounds. __________ FOR Initiate a loop that repeats a set number of times. Example: 100 FOR X=1 TO 5 110 PRINT X 120 NEXT X __________ GOSUB
GOTO Go to a line number Example: 100 GOTO 400
GRAPHICS int-value int value betwen 0 and 15 for LX and XE - OR - between 0 and 11 for the 400/800. Base Graphics Mode Antic Mode Colors Resolution Display mode 0 2 2 40 x 24 Text 1 6 5 20 x 24 Text 2 7 5 20 x 12 Text 3 8 4 40 x 24 Graphics 4 9 2 80 x 48 Graphics 5 A 4 80 x 48 Graphics 6 B 2 160 x 96 Graphics 7 D 4 160 x 96 Graphics 8 F 2 320 x 192 Graphics 9 - 16 80 x 192 Graphics 10 - 9 80 x 192 Graphics 11 - 16 80 x 192 Graphics 12* 4 5 40 x 24 Text 13* 5 5 40 x 12 Text 14* C 2 160 x 192 Graphics 15* E 4 160 x 192 Graphics * for XL and XE computers onlyExample: 100 GRAPHICS 0
INPUT store-value Example: 100 INPUT X
PRINT Outputs to the display screen. ; can be used between numbers and string variables. Examples: 100 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" 100 PRINT A;" ";B 100 PRINT PEEK(43234)
REM Program documentation. Documentation can be entered after the statement without effecting the program. Example: 100 REM THIS LINE DOES NOTHING
SETCOLOR number,number,number The first number is the color register, the second number is the hue, and the last number is the luminance. There are 16 hues to choose from and 8 luminances for each hue. The intensity of the text, the color and intensity of the screen, and the color and intensity of the border are controlled in Graphics 0 by three SETCOLOR statements. SETCOLOR 1,0,Y = Text intensity Y can be any even number from 0-14, to change text from dark to bright. SETCOLOR 2,X Y = Screen color and intensity X can vary from 0 to 15 to change the color of the screen and text, and Y can be any even number from 0-14, to change intensity of screen color from dark to bright. SETCOLOR 4,X,Y = Border color and intensity X and Y are the same as when setting the screen colors. The first digit in the SETCOLOR statement specifies that text, screen or border are to be changed. This digit (in Graphics 0) may have a value of 1, 2, or 4 only. The second digit specifies color, and may vary from 0-15. This holds true for both screen and border. Colors selected by the second digit are as follows: 1 = text 2 = screen 4 = border HUE Number Color 0 Gray 1 Gold 2 Orange 3 Red-Orange 4 Pink 5 Violet 6 Purple Blue 7 Blue 8 Light Blue 9 Blue-Green 10 Turquoise 11 Green-Blue 12 Green 13 Yellow-Green 14 Orange-Green 15 Light Orange Intensities are roughly: 0-2 = Dark 4-8 = Medium 10-14 = Bright
SOUND variable1, variable2, variable3, variable4 variable1 is voice register. values 0-3 variable2 is sound pitch values 0-255 255 = lowest pitch variable3 is distortion values 0-14 0 = no distortion variable4 is volume. values 1-15 15 = full volume Only Four Octives available.variable2 Pitch Notes Frequency 243 Low C 131230 C# 138
217 D 146
204 D# 155
193 E 164
182 F 174
173 F# 184
162 G 195
153 G# 207
144 A 220
136 A# 233
128 B 240
121 Middle C 256
114 C# 279
108 D 293
102 D# 311
96 E 329
91 F 349
85 F# 369
81 G 391
76 G# 415
72 A 440
68 A# 466
64 B 493
60 C 523
57 C# 554
53 D 587
50 D# 622
47 E 659
45 F 698
42 F# 739
40 G 783
37 G# 830
35 A 880
33 A# 932
31 B 987
29 Highest C 1046
STICK(stick-value)7 = Right 11 = Left 13 = Down 14 = Up Example: 100 IF STICK(0) = 11 THEN GOTO 500