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PlayStation :: Atari :: NES :: Sega :: SNES :: Arcade 1 UP :: PlayStation 2 :: 2600 :: Ms. Pac-Man :: PlayStation 4 :: Odyssey 2 :: Genesis :: Nintendo :: Flashback 8 :: More ....

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Search by game name: i.e. 'Ms. Pac-Man' or 'Pac'
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Searching through 808 video game records in database.
With [ 58] matches.

PHP code written (c)2010-2024 by Michael Gibson
Game NameGame SystemNoteMedia TypeManual
Alphabet Zoo ColecoV R -
Antartic Adventure ColecoV R -
Aquattack ColecoV R -
Artillery Duel ColecoV R -
BlackJack/Poker ColecoV R -
Blockade Runner ColecoV R -
Brain Strainers ColecoV R -
Bump 'n' Jump ColecoV ATBG R -
Choplifter! ColecoV R -
Cosmic Avenger ColecoV R -
Dragonfire ColecoV R -
Evolution ColecoV R -
Fathom ColecoV R -
Flipper Slipper ColecoV R -
Fortune Builder ColecoV R -
Frantic Freddy ColecoV R -
Frenzy ColecoV ATBG Berzerk and Amok brother game R -
Gateway to Apshai ColecoV R -
Gust Buster ColecoV R -
Jumpman Junior ColecoV R -
Jungle Hunt ColecoV Arcade port R -
Miner 2049er ColecoV ATBG R -
Montezuma's Revenge ColecoV R -
Moonsweeper ColecoV R -
Motocross Racer ColecoV R -
Mountain King ColecoV R -
Nova Blast ColecoV R -
Oil's Well ColecoV R -
Omega Race ColecoV R -
Pepper II ColecoV R -
Quest for Quintana Roo ColecoV R -
Rolloverture ColecoV R -
Sammy Lightfoot ColecoV R -
Sir Lancelot ColecoV R -
Slurpy ColecoV R -
Space Fury ColecoV R -
Space Panic ColecoV R -
Squish 'Em Featuring Sam ColecoV R -
Super Cross Force ColecoV R -
Telly Turtle ColecoV R -
The Dam Buster ColecoV R -
The Heist ColecoV R -
Threshold ColecoV R -
Tomarc the Barbarian ColecoV R -
Tournament Tennis ColecoV R -
Venture ColecoV R -
War Room ColecoV R -
Wing War ColecoV R -
Zaxxon ColecoV ATBG R -
Bankruptcy Builder ColecoV Home brew R -
Destructor ColecoV HB (Orig release Std Controller Ed.) R -
Mecha-8 ColecoV Home Brew R -
Module Man ColecoV Home Brew R -
Monster Masher ColecoV Home Brew R -
Ms. Space Fury ColecoV Home Brew R -
Princess Quest ColecoV Home Brew R -
Schlange CV ColecoV Home Brew R -
Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels ColecoV Home Brew R -